Sunday, March 17, 2013


Image courtesy Israel Jones
Recently it seems that our country has started to reconsider abortion, but not in the way you would think. Our states have started passing legislation that is making things harder for women to receive abortion such as waiting periods or sonograms.  Two years ago Texas government implemented a mandatory sonogram in addition to a waiting period to women who are trying to receive abortions. These laws are said to be in place to help women but all they seem to be doing is providing a barrier that is influencing studies showing a decrease in abortions. Texas should be doing more to help women in need (especially those who need abortions), instead of forcing them towards an action that could change their lives forever in a bad direction. I am quite sure that God would not want a child to be born to a teenage mother who cannot take care of them forcing them to live a horrible life. Where does it say that in the bible? The Texas government should be implementing laws that help with abortions, teen pregnancy, and rape victims who are now seeking abortions.

The fact that we worry about what someone else does with their body and focus so much on this type of issue when there are dozens of infinitely more pressing issues at hand is one of the big problems with society today. I am a big advocate for pro-choice and for the simple fact that it should be noones choice but the persons involved. Whether for religious reasons or personal moral choices I don't know why other people would try and control the actions of another human being on such a personal level. In this day and age having made so many advances in civil rights and liberties in our country this seems like a step back to me. I recognize the fact that there are serial abortionists out there that probably shouldn't be allowed to reproduce in the first place, but that doesn't mean that we should punish other people who either aren't ready to be parents or for other reasons need an abortion. 

We tiptoe around this taboo subject hoping that noone will bring it up when as a nation we need to not only consider the rising population rate in the world (selective abortions will control a percentage of that) but we also need to consider the fact that a persons body belongs to them alone. I don't see anyone attacking the rights of people in America to receive other elective surgeries like facelifts and tummytucks. There are a few daytime T.V. Personalities that should probably have their elective surgery priviledges completely revoked but instead we declare their beauty and objectify them. I will bring myself back on point by saying that instead of making it harder for women to receive abortions by passing legislation why not limit that amount of abortions you can have instead? Or maybe we can identify certain requirements for abortion. There are a lot of people who advocate for Pro-life but I don't see any of those people stepping up and adopting the babies were born and not wanted. As I see it now there is no reason for us to dictate what another person does with their own bodies. The next thing you know we will be told how we should dress look, and the words that we can or cannot speak.

1 comment:

GovtNewbie said...

I took some time reading through my colleague's articles on certain aspects of our government when I came across Brandon Boucher's article titled "Pro-Choice." I happen to agree whole heartily on what Boucher brings to the table and am also a pro choice advocate myself.

I don't believe anyone should have the ability to say what a woman, or even a human being in general, can or cannot do with their own body. I personally would never look in to the idea of an abortion but that is my OWN CHOICE. If an abortion is right for the 15 year old who won't be able to raise her child properly - Who is to say she can't have the option? If a woman was raped and ended up pregnant - Is she really going to be denied the right to end the pregnancy should she wish to do so? I believe very strongly that it should be that individual person's choice on whether an abortion is an option for them or not.

For Texas to begin bringing back the aspect of restricting the option for abortion is absolutely a step back. Haven’t we been through this already? Do we not remember the Roe v. Wade case? The Supreme Court deemed abortion a fundamental right under the United States Constitution. Why try to change this fact now? Isn’t that the definition of stupidity - “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”? During the first trimester, when an abortion happens to be safer than childbirth, the decision to abort is and should always be left to the mother.

Overall I believe Boucher did a fabulous job with his commentary on Pro-Choice. Two thumbs up!